Friday, September 26, 2008

New trades

I got a new sewing machine...I am uber excited about it...and soon will be a sewing master...just thought I would let you know....


Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's The Little Things

So, yesterday I started a new project. My first commissioned project, actually.

And the part that I'm really proud of is that I actually finished one of my current projects BEFORE I started the new one.

Baby steps, people. I'm working on it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crafty Bubbles

What is it about all this crafty crap? I just want to make stuff and create with my hands all the time. I can knit kinda good. I still want learn to crochet (I just need that extra needle). I make cards and gift tags when I can. I am determined to learn how to sew this year. Dammit. I am tired of looking at super cute bags and totes that are handmade and super expensive. I always think "I can do that".

But. I don't. That is not getting me very far. My craft "area" is busting with future ideas, half completed projects, things I have knitted that I don't even remember. Yikes. Craft ADD.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Lone Embroider

Yes, I alone in the group sew and embroider christmas stockings for friends. While I don't feel this is much of a craft, I do love sitting and talking with friends as they knit and crochet, cute things for kids I know! Thanks Crafty! So if you have a craft come along for the ride, we do know how to have a good time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I Craft, Therefore I Am

I knit. I crochett.

In general, I tend to make my life complicated. And yarn calms me.

Nice to meet you.

I stopped stitch that is

What can come of a disgruntled group of retail workers?....A LOCAL CRAFT MILITIA...that's right!

Some of us started without a crafty talent, but as we came together we have been a relatively talented, united craft group.

We stitch, knit, and bitch...haha kidding...but really.

I crochet, knit, and chit chat. I started out knowing how to knit...incorrectly mind you. My sensei (credit Nikki) taught me first to crochet, and then how to knit the right way (without CHOKING my stitches). I already knew how to run my mouth.

So...follow the lead and tell us WHAT'S YOUR CRAFT?!